


【英文介绍/For English】:

The reason for the abnormal noise and vibration of the Toyota Corolla window lift is that the screw fixing of the window lifter is loose, or the window lifter is faulty. Check whether there is dirt around the window glass causing abnormal friction noise. If the window has been replaced, it may be the cause of inaccurate installation. Of course, it may also be caused by loose parts or loose buckles, rusted internal parts, abnormal friction noise during work, and abnormal noise from the mechanical structure of the door cable. If it is only the friction sound of the parts, it is recommended to spray lubricant directly. If the parts or buckles are loose and fall, only the door can be disassembled for inspection, and the problem of abnormal noise can be solved by strengthening it.



1. 调节窗玻璃位置:如果车窗密封不严导致异响,可以将窗玻璃升至最高点,用手轻轻向窗框外推,调整窗玻璃位置,使其与窗框密合。

2. 加垫片:在窗框上加上垫片,可以有效降低异响声音。选择适当厚度的垫片,并且材质要耐磨损,这样才能有效防止异响再次发生。需要注意的是,垫片的过度加厚也会影响车窗的密封性能。

3. 更换密封条:如果窗玻璃周边的密封条损坏或老化,也可能导致异响。此时需要更换新的密封条,以恢复窗玻璃的密封性能,避免异响发生。

4. 更换车窗部件:如果以上方法都不能解决异响问题,可能需要更换车窗的部件,如玻璃底座、导轨、电机等。这需要专业技术人员来检查车窗故障原因,并更换相应部件。