演示机型:Iphone 13&&华为P50&&小米12
系统版本:iOS 15.4&&HarmonyOS 2&&MIUI 13
APP版本:抖音 v19.7.0
抖音小黄车500保证金怎么退共有5步,本操作方法适用于Iphone 13、华为P50、小米12三种机型,以下是华为P50中抖音小黄车退500保证金的具体操作步骤:操作/步骤1 点击创作者服务中心

【英文介绍/For English】:
Demo model: Iphone 13&& Huawei P50&& Xiaomi 12
System version: iOS 15.4&&HarmonyOS 2&&MIUI 13
APP version: Douyin v19.7.0
Summarize:There are 5 steps in how to refund the 500 deposit of Douyin Xiaohuangche. This operation method is applicable to three models of Iphone 13, Huawei P50 and Xiaomi 12. The following are the specific operation steps to refund the 500 deposit of Douyin Xiaohuangche in Huawei P50: Operation /Step 1 Click on the creator service center to open the Douyin software, and click the creator service center in the personal center. 2 Click to open the rule center to enter the product window interface, and click the rule center. 3 View the margin management method Click to view the Douyin user margin management method. 4 Guarantee that the account has no violations The user needs to ensure that the account has no violations. 5 Click to apply for a refund of the security deposit Click to apply for a refund of the 500 yuan security deposit on the product sharing interface. If there is no violation within 15 days of the inspection period, the 500 yuan security deposit can be successfully returned. END The above is the specific operation steps on how to refund the 500 deposit of Douyin Little Yellow Car. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.
1. 打开抖音APP,进入个人中心页面; 2. 点击“钱包”按钮,进入钱包页面; 3. 找到小黄车保证金选项,点击“申请退押金”按钮; 4. 系统会自动展示退款金额和退款方式; 5. 选择“原路退回”即可。