





【英文介绍/For English】:

1. There is a problem with the compressor. The central air conditioner cannot operate normally. Whether it is an indoor unit or an outdoor unit, there is a problem with the compressor, which will cause the air conditioner to not cool.

2. The temperature adjustment of the air conditioner is not good, or the doors and windows are not closed tightly. These will cause the central air conditioner not to cool when it is running. It is necessary to check whether the indoor doors and windows are closed.

3. There is a problem with the power supply or voltage. Especially in summer, because the electricity consumption in the home is relatively large and exceeds a certain load, the voltage will be unstable, and the central air conditioner will also have the problem of not cooling.

4. The central air conditioner is not cleaned regularly. In particular, the filter screen is blocked, and the accumulation of sediment will affect the cooling effect for a long time.



1. 没有充足的冷媒:如果中央空调系统没有足够的冷媒,就无法制冷。这可能是因为冷媒泄漏或者冷媒没有按时更换导致的。

2. 滤网堵塞:空调在使用过程中会吸入大量的灰尘和污垢,如果滤网长时间不清洗,就会堵塞,影响冷风流通,导致制冷效果差。

3. 蒸发器污垢:如果中央空调的蒸发器上有污垢或灰尘,会导致空气流量变小,制冷效果受到影响。

4. 风扇故障:如果中央空调的风扇出现故障,将无法将冷风传送到房间内,从而无法制冷。

5. 温度传感器出现问题:中央空调的温度传感器可以感知室内温度,如果出现故障就会导致制冷效果下降或者完全失效。

6. 管道泄漏:如果中央空调管道上出现泄漏,冷媒就会逃逸,导致制冷效果变差或无法制冷。
