【英文介绍/For English】:
1. The temperature of the hair dryer should not be too high: because the temperature of the hair dryer is too high, it is easy to damage the scalp, which will cause pain in the scalp, and also cause relatively large damage to the hair.
2. Change the place to blow every 2-3 seconds: Don’t hold the hair dryer and blow it in one place all the time. You should always change the position to blow with your hands when blowing, and blow to another place every few seconds, so that you can blow it out. The hair is more natural, and the hair quality will not be damaged too much.
3. Blow until it is 70% dry: Do not blow your hair too dry, because full drying will take away the moisture in the hair, making the hair lose moisture and appear dry and without nutrition.
4. Try to blow your hair with cold air: try to blow with natural wind, so as not to affect the hair quality, and the moisture and nutrients in the hair can be maintained for a longer time.
5. Keep a certain distance between use: The hair dryer should not be less than 5 cm away from the hair when using it, preferably between 5 and 10 cm.
1. 在吹风前,先用毛巾轻轻擦干头发,去掉多余的水分,然后分多个部分来吹干头发。
2. 首先先调节着风量,不宜过大,过大的风量会使头发失去水分,造成干枯、分叉等问题。
3. 按照头发的生长方向,由发根向发梢吹风,同时不要让吹风机过多的聚焦在同一处,这会让头发过于干燥,造成烫伤。
4. 吹头发时,要让风口离头部一定距离,不要过于贴近头部,以免烫伤头皮或者头发。
5. 在吹头发的过程中,需要不时地用梳子或手指梳理头发,让头发吹干的同时更加蓬松。
6. 当头发基本吹干后,应该将温度调低,轻轻吹一会儿,这样头发会更加光滑。