【英文介绍/For English】:
The Geely Vision engine has abnormal noise, and the relationship between the abnormal noise and the cylinder position should be found out first by using the single-cylinder fire-off method. If the abnormal noise has nothing to do with the cylinder position, the relationship between the abnormal noise and the working cycle of the engine should be identified cylinder by cylinder to determine which mechanism component the abnormal noise originated from, and then carry out a test to gradually increase the engine speed. Listen for any change in the abnormal sound. In addition, attention should be paid to the influence of Ju degree. In this way, the relationship between abnormal noise and engine load, duty cycle, speed, and temperature can be identified. Thus, the characteristics of the diagnosed abnormal noise can be confirmed, and a conclusion can be made if it conforms to the characteristics of a certain abnormal noise. The abnormal sound of the car engine is a serious problem, and the cause should be identified as soon as possible to eliminate the problem to avoid rigid driving safety.
1. 悬挂系统产生异响。悬挂系统是汽车行驶中最容易产生异响的部位之一,要解决这个问题,需要做好车底的保养工作。如果发现悬挂系统异响,可以考虑更换车底的悬挂弹簧以及减震器等零件。
2. 刹车系统发出异响。如果车内出现明显的吱吱声或磨擦声,有可能是制动器损坏引起的。建议检查制动器盘和制动器片是否磨损,若磨损严重,则需要将它们更换。
3. 车门或座椅异响。如果车门或座椅发出声音,可以通过调整门锁或者更换座椅真皮等方式解决问题。同时,定期清洗和保养车内的座椅和门锁等零件也可以防止异响产生。
4. 发动机故障。如果吉利远景车内出现发动机异响,有可能是由于发动机进气不畅所致。这时建议做好发动机的保养,如更换空气滤芯、清洗进气系统等。