





【英文介绍/For English】:

1. It may be due to the abnormal sound caused by the wiring harness inside the door hitting the door panel. When the vehicle is driving on a bumpy road, it may cause the wiring harness inside the door to hit the door panel, which will produce noise. Disassemble the door trim panel, fix the wiring harness, find a small sponge and stick it to the door panel of the wiring harness. , the wiring harness hits the sponge, and the noise is gone.

2. Abnormal noise produced by the door sealing strip. When the door sealing strip is used for a long time, the sealing strip itself will gradually age, causing the door sealing strip to have a certain friction with the car body, and the vehicle may produce abnormal noise when driving.

3. The abnormal sound produced by the door itself. Usually, the door lock column is installed outside, resulting in the door itself not being very close to the car body.

4. Abnormal noise produced by the door limiter. If the door stopper is not maintained regularly, it will also make the door produce abnormal noise.



其中,Tiguan是一款拥有出色操控和越野性能的中型SUV,采用了四驱系统、空气悬挂、Hill Descent Control(下坡辅助)、Off-Road mode(越野模式)等技术,在越野性能方面表现出色。而Touareg则是大众旗下的豪华SUV,在越野和操控方面也有着出色表现,同时还获得了很高的碰撞安全评分。