







【英文介绍/For English】:

1. Good safety performance: no electrolyte leakage, no battery expansion and rupture under normal use.

2. Good discharge performance: stable discharge voltage and flat discharge platform.

3. Good vibration resistance: the battery in the fully charged state is completely fixed, vibrates for 1 hour with an amplitude of 4mm and a frequency of 16.7HZ, no leakage, no battery expansion and rupture, and the open circuit voltage is normal.

4. Good impact resistance: The battery in the fully charged state naturally falls from a height of 20CM to a hardboard with a thickness of 1CM for 3 times without leakage, without battery expansion and rupture, and the open circuit voltage is normal.

5. Good over-discharge resistance: 25 degrees Celsius, the battery in the fully charged state is discharged with constant resistance for 3 weeks (the resistance is only equivalent to the resistance required by the battery's 1CA discharge), and the recovery capacity is above 75%.

6. Good charging resistance: 25 degrees Celsius, fully charged battery 0.1CA charge for 48 hours, no leakage, no battery expansion and rupture, normal open circuit voltage, capacity maintenance rate above 95%.



1. 经济性:铅蓄电池的价格相对较低,维护成本也低。

2. 可靠性:铅蓄电池是一种成熟的技术,具有良好的稳定性和可靠性。在正确使用和维护的情况下,铅蓄电池可以长时间使用。

3. 高效性:铅蓄电池能够提供高电流,可以经受短时间的高负载。

4. 可充性:铅蓄电池可以反复充电和放电,因此可以多次使用。

5. 安全性:铅蓄电池采用封闭设计,充电时不会产生可燃气体,因此安全可靠。

6. 环保性:铅蓄电池可以回收利用,其中的铅和酸可以被回收和重复利用。